Soccer Legend Pele Passes Away at 82: Greatest Player of All Time

Soccer Legend Pele Dies at 82

  • Pele was a football superstar who played in the 1958, 1962, 1966, and 1970 World Cups.
  • He is considered the first true global football superstar and his fame rivaled that of Muhammad Ali.
  • Pele’s international career coincided with major advancements in technology that allowed for the widespread broadcast of football matches.
  • He made his World Cup debut in 1958 and played a key role in Brazil’s victory in that tournament.
  • In 1962, he was injured in Brazil’s second group match and had to sit out the rest of the tournament.
  • In 1966, he was kicked and injured during Brazil’s matches, leading to their elimination in the group stages.
  • After the 1966 World Cup, Pele vowed to never play in another World Cup, but eventually returned for the 1970 tournament in Mexico.
  • The 1970 World Cup was the first to be televised in living color and featured many memorable moments, including Pele’s overhead kick against Italy.
  • Pele played in his final World Cup in 1970 and retired from international play after Brazil’s victory in that tournament.
  • Pele’s impact on football and his status as a global icon have made him one of the most famous and beloved athletes in history.

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