What does the purple ring around profile pic on Facebook means?

Why is there a purple ring around my profile pic on Facebook and I can t get on Messenger or Facebook?

There are a few potential reasons why you may be seeing a purple ring around your profile picture on Facebook and experiencing difficulty accessing Messenger or Facebook. Some possible explanations include:

purple ring around facebook profile picture
purple ring around facebook profile picture

You have been blocked or banned: Facebook and Messenger have community standards that users are expected to follow, and if you violate these standards, you may be blocked or banned from using the platforms. If you have been blocked or banned, you will not be able to access Messenger or Facebook, and you may see a purple ring around your profile picture as a visual indication of this.

There is a technical issue: If there is a technical issue with Facebook or Messenger, you may experience difficulty accessing the platforms or certain features. This could be due to a problem with the Facebook servers, your internet connection, or your device. In this case, the purple ring around your profile picture could be a visual bug or glitch.

You have enabled the “off the grid” feature: Facebook has a feature called “off the grid” that allows you to temporarily hide your online status and be unavailable for chat on Messenger. If you have enabled this feature, you will not be able to access Messenger and you may see a purple ring around your profile picture as a visual indication that you are “off the grid.”
Your account has been hacked or compromised: If your Facebook or Messenger account has been hacked or compromised by an unauthorized person, you may have difficulty accessing the platforms and you may see strange or unusual activity on your account. If you suspect that your account has been hacked, you should immediately change your password and follow the steps provided by Facebook to secure your account.

You have exceeded the maximum number of login attempts: Facebook and Messenger have security measures in place to prevent unauthorized access to accounts. If you exceed the maximum number of login attempts, your account may be locked, and you will not be able to access the platforms. In this case, you will need to reset your password and follow the steps provided by Facebook to unlock your account.

You have not confirmed your email or phone number: Facebook requires users to confirm their email or phone number in order to access certain features, such as Messenger. If you have not confirmed your email or phone number, you may experience difficulty accessing certain features of the platform. You will need to confirm your email or phone number in order to access these features.

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